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A Letter to Our Customers Regarding the Crisis in Eastern Europe

Thermo Fisher Scientific building

Dear Valued Customer:

As you are well aware, the current environment involving Ukraine is changing daily, and we continue to actively monitor the rapidly evolving landscape and implement appropriate business continuity measures. Our first priority is the health and safety of our colleagues and patients who are facing incredibly challenging situations. As an organization, we will continue to focus on supporting them throughout this crisis.

We also want to continue to enable your important work. We have mechanisms in place to monitor business and supply activities and the conduct of clinical trials, including a dedicated crisis management team that is working closely with appropriate authorities and organizations. We will do everything possible to mitigate potential risk to ensure you continue to receive the services you expect from us, as the clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Thermo Fisher Scientific is committed to complying with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. As such, we are actively reviewing all recently adopted sanctions and restrictions and implementing compliance measures wherever necessary. Our clinical trial service delivery in Ukraine has been temporarily halted and will resume once safe to do so. We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust accordingly. At this time, we do not anticipate these business developments to have a substantive impact on our ability to support our global customers with their important work.

I know you join me in the hope for a peaceful resolution and the safety of those affected by this crisis. Consistent with our Mission, the company, through direct donation and matching gifts, and our colleagues are donating more than $2 million toward relief efforts for Ukraine through organizations including the International Committee for the Red Cross, International Rescue Committee and Save the Children.

If you require immediate assistance or have any questions, please contact your PPD clinical research services representative.

David M. Johnston, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President and
President, Clinical Research